How Mike outwitted me.

Created by Siraj 2 years ago
Whenever Mike and Heather are in Singapore , many a time, we take them out to different places for dinner .
Its customary in Singapore  that guests do not pick the tab. The host will.  After a couple of times, Mikes decides that this time it’s his turn to pay. But whenever he asked for the bill the answer would be …..”it’s already been paid sir”. Mike’s response would be….., “hey Siraj, I didn’t see you asking for the bill”
(Actually I usually handed the card to the waiter the moment we step into the restaurant without Mike seeing)
On one dinner, Mike asked for the bill. I thought I had it covered. But the waiter came straight to Mike with HIS card, and not mine!!
Puzzled I asked the waiter about my card.
What I didn’t know was Mike pretended to go to the toilet in the middle of dinner , caught hold of the waiter and gave the waiter his card !!! .....He outwitted me!
After the incident every time we go to dinner we will watch each other on who goes to the toilet first , and what new tricks Mike have up his sleeve to outwit me ha ha ha !!!! Its fun